About Middlesex London OHT

Who We Are

The Middlesex London Ontario Health Team (OHT) is a dedicated team of local healthcare providers and community members who are working together to better connect healthcare and supports across Middlesex County & London.

Purpose Statement

“Improving our healthcare experience together – where people are heard, care is connected, and whole health is possible for everyone.”


We are Collaborative, We are Trustworthy, We are Transparent, We value Equity.

Our Team

The Middlesex London OHT includes community partners and organizations, Coordinating Council, a Patient/Client and Care Partner Council, an Operations Team, and Working Groups.

Attributed Population

The MLOHT is responsible for the attributed population and residents based on where they access care.

Partnering Organizations

Multiple organizations have signed up with the MLOHT and/or are actively participating in projects with the MLOHT to develop a more connected health care system. See list below.

Coordinating Council

The Coordinating Council guides the work that we do, aligning with our purpose and values.

There are 2 co-chairs: a Health Care Provider Co-Chair, and a Patient/Client and Care Partner Council Co-Chair.

View the complete Coordinating Council list membership.

Patient/Client and Care Partner Council

The Patient/Client and Care Partner Council (PCCPC) ensures work is grounded by patient/client and caregiver experiences. PCCPC members advise and work in partnership with the Coordinating Council.

The PCCPC has an equal voice and vote on the Coordinating Council.

Operations Team

The Operations Team is responsible for supporting leadership, decision-making, and operations.

The team is led by:

Amber Alpaugh-Bishop, Middlesex London OHT Lead

Dr. Sarah Jarmain, Middlesex London OHT Clinical Lead (Specialty Care)

Dr. Gord Schacter, Middlesex London OHT Clinical Lead (Primary Care)

Working Groups

The following Working Groups are operating and/or in development:

Quality and Analytics: To develop and implement an Evaluation Strategy and Collaborative Quality Improvement Plan to track improvements.

Co-Design: To co-define issues and co-design solutions with patients, caregivers, and providers. These solutions will improve patient and provider experiences as well as health outcomes.

Care Pathways: To develop care pathways that facilitate better connected, improved healthcare and supports across our health system.

Digital Health: To develop a dynamic digital health strategy in support of better connected, improved healthcare and supports.

For more information and/or to join a working group, please contact us.

Our Partners

Our Geography

We are focused on better connecting and improving healthcare and supports for people who receive care in London and Middlesex County.


The Middlesex London Ontario Health Team’s journey started in 2019, then called the “Western Ontario Health Team”. See image below for a high-level overview of our journey to date.

Timeline outlining MLOHT's journey starting from May 15, 2019 to Jan 4, 2021

Historical Documents

Middlesex London Ontario Health Team (formerly Western Ontario Health Team) application to become an Ontario Health Team

Decision Tool to Evaluate Requests for MLOHT Support

Commitment Document

Membership Town Hall – June 2021 (Access Passcode: QhT%^e0w)

WOHT Patient, Family and Caregiver Partnership and Engagement Strategy

Western OHT Primary Care Communications Protocol

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