Choose to Practice Here in Middlesex London

Middlesex London is home to over 540,000 residents across 12 municipalities ranging from the city of London, small towns in the country, and three First Nations.

Our Primary Care Recruitment Program is here to support Family Physicians and Nurse Practitioners as well as the staff and administrators that they work with.

Primary Care Recruitment Lead, Andrea Loewen, is here to help you with your recruitment, onboarding, and retention needs. Connect with Andrea.

Andrea Loewen is the recruitment, onboarding, and retention lead for the Middlesex London area. She is also a medical clinic owner along with her husband who is a family doctor. Learn more about her journey here.

Connect with Andrea for more information on how we can support your practice, welcome you to our community, and build a future together.

Andrea Loewen 
Primary Care Recruitment Lead 

Recruitment. Onboarding. Retention. 
Middlesex London Ontario Health Team 
Email: [email protected]
Cell: 1-226-688-9054 
Instagram: @Andrea.MLOHT

London Health Sciences Centre, City of London, London Economic Development Corporation, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, St. Joseph’s Health Care London, Middlesex Hospital Alliance.

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